Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I'm lost, I'm lost... Find me!

By this blog it seems I live half my life in yesteryear. Anywho...

The good part:

A friend yesterday loaned me the first season of Land of the Lost on DVD. I realize only now what a profound impact it must have had on me as a kid.

It isn't Lidsville, Sigmund, or Pufnstuf. It's actually pretty dark ... and, in spite of the overacting, damn good. I had nightmares about being cornered by Sleestak in the Lost City. And now my kids are as hooked as I was. I mean they LOVE it.

The depressing part is this: There's a movie version coming out. It's described as a drama/COMEDY, starring Will Ferrell.

I admit it, the Brady Bunch Movie was campy and fun. But with all these old TV shows being rejiggered for the big screen, it makes the stuff I grew up with seem cheap, like a big joke. That's my fear.

Yeah, there was some bad acting in Land of the Lost. But it had good writers. And for a sci-fi kids show, it was pretty hardcore. Characters got badly hurt or slipped into other dimensions, and dinosaurs ate each other.

That being said, I'll probably like the remake... making this rant nothing of consequence. Where's my beer?

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