Saturday, April 18, 2009

Random thoughts and oughts

I'm a man of conflicting goals and desires.

One is to create art. The other, to earn money for a wife and five kids.

One is to wander freely, explore, and expand my knowledge of the world. The other is to calm a child's panic attacks, change a diaper, and show up to work on time after five hours' sleep.

I've been running full steam for more than two years since I left the newspaper business. I don't know how it's going to play out.

I do know a few things. I have comrades. I have people in my life who care about the person I am, even if they don't understand the madness of my world.

And I have drive. If nothing else, I have that.

No one has ever had to kick my ass out of bed in the morning. I've always enough crazy in me to do it myself.

1 comment:

Allison Landa said...

Great post, Warren. And you sure enough do have friends who get you, and who care about you!