Monday, July 04, 2011

Wrapping things up

I'm struggling with the last chapter of the novel. The main trouble is trying to maintain a consistent voice from beginning to end. I know I've strayed and might not nail it on the first shot. I think that's OK.

Concurrently I'm reading a book on writing fiction that is heavy on examples, including full short stories, and writing exercises. I've read it before for a creative writing class. I want to finish it before I start revising, then go through the entire thing and ask myself whether I'm providing the right details. It will be interesting see how my first instincts play out.

I'm of the belief that fiction -- and all art -- should communicate first. And yet, it's such a weird thing writing a novel. Internally you run up against all sorts of crazy stuff -- motivation, ambition, memory, etc. -- that is all a bit mysterious.


Sean Craven said...

Don't worry about consistency now. Nail the ending with as much power as possible, especially if it means deviating from what went before.

Dude. This is a first draft.

Lutz said...

Good advice man, thanks. Part of the problem is, it's hard to think about where the narrator ends up without going back and seeing where he's been... which is when I spot trouble. But you're right, I ought to dig it out to the finish and worry about that stuff later.